KME-Software und Dokumentation

Software KME für die Familie NEVO-SKY: DUAL, DIRECT, JET, MAX

Software KME für die Familie NEVO: NEVO, PLUS, PRO.

Diego G3
Software KME für die Familie DiegoG3.
KME autogas systems user manualUser manual for drivers using NEVO-SKY, NEVO or DIEGO systems.
Größe: 6623 KBVersion: 02.12.20223163 DownloadsNEVO-SKY SoftwareInstallation package for the family KME NEVO-SKY (DIRECT, MAX, SUN, JET):
More information:
[2022.04.11] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1D r3” (DIRECT), “5.2D r3” (MAX), “5.3D r3” (SUN), “5.4D r3” (JET-ECO) and “5.5D r3” (JET)
- Fixed a sporadic problem with appearance and operation of OBD Auto-Clear user interface
- [MPI] To start Auto-Setup you will have to delete all key program warnings and fill in the car’s information
- Improvements in software appearance and performance
[2022.03.30] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1D r3” (DIRECT), “5.2D r3” (MAX), “5.3D r3” (SUN), “5.4D r3” (JET-ECO) and “5.5D r3” (JET)
- Added on-line activation mechanism for gas ECUs – operation on gas will require a one-time entry of the activation code received from the device manufacturer (internet access required)
- [DIRECT] Improvement of the “RPM dependent readings” mechanism
- [DIRECT] Fixed calculations of multiplier and offset for EOC emulation
- [DIRECT] Fixed raw injection times readings when the next injection in the cycle starts near the end of the previous one
- [DIRECT] Added display of intervals between successive injections in the cycle in the angular value under the current time value
- [DIRECT] Improved switching to petrol in HEMI/ECO mode
- Improved working of OBD module, in particular, connecting for more than 3 controllers
- [Auto-Clear] Added ability for moving trouble codes in selected table
- [Auto-Clear] Added the ability to load only OBD Auto-Clear codes from the settings file
- [Auto-Clear] OBD Auto-Clear page will be visible when the ECU is locked, but it will not allow you to modify anything
- Improved enabling the MASTER-SLAVE mode for OBD protocols other than CAN
- Improved calculation of load from OBD for corrections map and linear corrections ranges
- Changed default settings for some ranges of correction maps
- Changed the control of gas injectors “AEB iPLUS 2020 (2ohms)”
- Various improvements and fixes in copying values and ranges in correction maps
- Added ability to copy settings between correction maps
- Added a warning when loading the settings file from the MASTER ECU to SLAVE and vice versa
- Added new MAP/Psys/Pred panel to the side readings panel (selected by default instead of the current MAP/Psys)
- Added drawing of points representing the injection time or petrol dose on the maps (with selected ranges of MAP and Avg.P/Dose)
- Added ability to load only selected maps – correction maps, adding petrol maps
- Extended configuration ranges for some mechanisms: “Next inspection”, “Switching temperature”, “Maximum gas injection time”, “Auto-return for RPM>”, “Min. Teng. OSA”
- Improved recorder scalings
- Added duration time for each result on recorder search window (in seconds)
- Updated schemas
- Updated languages translations
- Improvements in software appearance and performance
Größe: 55,5 MBVersion: DownloadsDiagram of connecting the DIRECT controller
- Connection diagram for the DIRECT electronics v. 17.02.2023
- Connection diagram of the DIRECT electronics for DUAL engines from the VAG group v. 03.08.2020
- Diagram of connection of the high pressure sensor in the DIRECT elektronics v. 20.01.2022r
Größe: 0.7 MBVersion: 09.07.20241803 DownloadsNEVO-SKY SoftwareInstallation package for the family KME NEVO-SKY (DIRECT, MAX, SUN, JET):
More information:
[2022.06.30] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1E r1” (DIRECT), “5.2E r1” (MAX), “5.3E r1” (SUN), “5.4E r1” (JET-ECO) and “5.5E r1” (JET)
——————————–+ [DIRECT] Added new innovative gas injectors triggering strategy DYNAMIC
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added mechanism for automatic petrol letting off
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added mechanism for cyclic petrol adding
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added mechanism of synchronizing gas injection with petrol injection
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added visualization of the moment of gas injection in relation to petrol injections
+ [DIRECT] Added OPOS mechanism – Limiting Current of Limiting Spike
+ [DIRECT] Added mechanism of different value of the limiting spike current on next injections in the cycle
+ [DIRECT] Added mechanism of additional filtering raw petrol times readings (e.g. VAG 3.0)
+ [DIRECT] Added EZP 3D – pump valve emulation 3D
+ [DIRECT] Added the ability to delay the activation of ECN emulation after starting the engine
+ [MPI] Added the ability of simultaneous operation of shifted injection system and petrol adding
+ [MPI] Added support for cars with two petrol injectors on cylinder (DPI / DualJet)
+ [MPI] Added warning about using injectors with too small resistance in SUN controller
+ [OBD] Added the possibility to skip additional delays when communicating with multiple OBD controllers
+ [OBD] Added maximum RPM and maximum MAP for OSA adaptation
+ [OBD] Added configurable delay of connection with OBD after enabling the power supply of the gas controller
+ [OBD] Added new OBD trouble codes descriptions and provided new codes in Auto-Clear
+ [OBD] Added new modes that temporarily block the operation of the OBD Auto-Clear (Clear when cut-off, Clear when MAP < and RPM <, Clear when RPM >)
+ Provided mechanism for real-time settings synchronization between several gas ECU in the MASTER-SLAVE mode
* Synchronization works only for the same type of ECU e.g. “DIRECT + DIRECT”, “JET OBD + JET OBD”
* It is impossible to synchronize settings between different kind of ECU, e.g. “DIRECT + MAX”, “DIRECT + JET ECO”, “JET BASIC + JET EXPERT”
* Synchronization process should be started after enabling MASTER-SLAVE mode on configuration page in all gas ECU
* During synchronization options that have been changed will be sent to all SLAVE ECU
* Synchronization mechanism does not include the following options (they are meant to be changed manually in each ECU):
cylinders count, ignition sequence, gas injectors triggering, collecting petrol and gas maps, collecting fuel pressure maps,
clearing petrol and gas maps, driver panel settings, MASTER-SLAVE configuration, OBD protocol and Auto-Clear settings,
input/output emulation settings for both channels, assignment of injectors to banks and individual correction for them,
switching fuel by panel, clearing gas ECU errors
+ Added support for new analog pressure sensor CCT6 (5.5 bar)
+ Added support for new driver panel DG8 (round, 1 RGB LED)
+ Added ability to display gas level while waiting for switching to gas
+ Added for DG7 panel ability to use LEDs visualization schema in waiting mode
+ Added for DG7 and DG8 panels ability to display additional information about their firmware version
+ Extended vacuum auto-return by adding new RPM condition
+ Added new auto-return mechanism that depends on analog input voltage
+ Added new auto-return mechanism that depends on gas pressure and RPM
+ Fast communication and updating using USB UART interfaces was made available
+ Added new ranges for correction maps (also for adding petrol) and linear corrections: Low pressure from OBD, High pressure from OBD
+ Added automatic compression of recorder files (it is not possible to load these files in older software versions)
+ Added ability to increase precision of reading engine RPM based on camshaft or crankshaft sensor
+ Auto-Setup mechanism will no longer modify RPM source and divider
+ Added ability to configure minimum reducer temperature for collecting petrol and gas maps
+ Added new gas ECU error codes: “Auto-return: Tgas < and Load >”, “Auto-return: Tred < and Load >”, “Auto-return: Psys > and RPM <”
+ Updated schemas
+ Updated languages translations (i.a. added French language)
+ Improvements in software appearance and performanceGröße: 55,5 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO-SKY Software DEInstallation package for the family KME NEVO-SKY (DIRECT, MAX, SUN, JET):
More information:
[2022.06.30] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1E r1” (DIRECT), “5.2E r1” (MAX), “5.3E r1” (SUN), “5.4E r1” (JET-ECO) and “5.5E r1” (JET)
——————————–+ [DIRECT] Added new innovative gas injectors triggering strategy DYNAMIC
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added mechanism for automatic petrol letting off
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added mechanism for cyclic petrol adding
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added mechanism of synchronizing gas injection with petrol injection
+ [DIRECT][DYNAMIC] Added visualization of the moment of gas injection in relation to petrol injections
+ [DIRECT] Added OPOS mechanism – Limiting Current of Limiting Spike
+ [DIRECT] Added mechanism of different value of the limiting spike current on next injections in the cycle
+ [DIRECT] Added mechanism of additional filtering raw petrol times readings (e.g. VAG 3.0)
+ [DIRECT] Added EZP 3D – pump valve emulation 3D
+ [DIRECT] Added the ability to delay the activation of ECN emulation after starting the engine
+ [MPI] Added the ability of simultaneous operation of shifted injection system and petrol adding
+ [MPI] Added support for cars with two petrol injectors on cylinder (DPI / DualJet)
+ [MPI] Added warning about using injectors with too small resistance in SUN controller
+ [OBD] Added the possibility to skip additional delays when communicating with multiple OBD controllers
+ [OBD] Added maximum RPM and maximum MAP for OSA adaptation
+ [OBD] Added configurable delay of connection with OBD after enabling the power supply of the gas controller
+ [OBD] Added new OBD trouble codes descriptions and provided new codes in Auto-Clear
+ [OBD] Added new modes that temporarily block the operation of the OBD Auto-Clear (Clear when cut-off, Clear when MAP < and RPM <, Clear when RPM >)
+ Provided mechanism for real-time settings synchronization between several gas ECU in the MASTER-SLAVE mode
* Synchronization works only for the same type of ECU e.g. “DIRECT + DIRECT”, “JET OBD + JET OBD”
* It is impossible to synchronize settings between different kind of ECU, e.g. “DIRECT + MAX”, “DIRECT + JET ECO”, “JET BASIC + JET EXPERT”
* Synchronization process should be started after enabling MASTER-SLAVE mode on configuration page in all gas ECU
* During synchronization options that have been changed will be sent to all SLAVE ECU
* Synchronization mechanism does not include the following options (they are meant to be changed manually in each ECU):
cylinders count, ignition sequence, gas injectors triggering, collecting petrol and gas maps, collecting fuel pressure maps,
clearing petrol and gas maps, driver panel settings, MASTER-SLAVE configuration, OBD protocol and Auto-Clear settings,
input/output emulation settings for both channels, assignment of injectors to banks and individual correction for them,
switching fuel by panel, clearing gas ECU errors
+ Added support for new analog pressure sensor CCT6 (5.5 bar)
+ Added support for new driver panel DG8 (round, 1 RGB LED)
+ Added ability to display gas level while waiting for switching to gas
+ Added for DG7 panel ability to use LEDs visualization schema in waiting mode
+ Added for DG7 and DG8 panels ability to display additional information about their firmware version
+ Extended vacuum auto-return by adding new RPM condition
+ Added new auto-return mechanism that depends on analog input voltage
+ Added new auto-return mechanism that depends on gas pressure and RPM
+ Fast communication and updating using USB UART interfaces was made available
+ Added new ranges for correction maps (also for adding petrol) and linear corrections: Low pressure from OBD, High pressure from OBD
+ Added automatic compression of recorder files (it is not possible to load these files in older software versions)
+ Added ability to increase precision of reading engine RPM based on camshaft or crankshaft sensor
+ Auto-Setup mechanism will no longer modify RPM source and divider
+ Added ability to configure minimum reducer temperature for collecting petrol and gas maps
+ Added new gas ECU error codes: “Auto-return: Tgas < and Load >”, “Auto-return: Tred < and Load >”, “Auto-return: Psys > and RPM <”
+ Updated schemas
+ Updated languages translations (i.a. added French language)
+ Improvements in software appearance and performanceGröße: 55,5 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO-SKY Software[2023.03.03] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1F r1” (DIRECT), “5.2F r1” (MAX), “5.3F r1” (SUN), “5.4F r1” (JET-ECO), “5.5F r1” (JET) and “5.7F r1” (JET OBD MINI)
- [MPI, OBD] Added support for JET OBD MINI controller
- [MPI] Added value map emulation setting templates for use in MPI emulation
- [OBD] Added ability to read new parameters from OBD:
* absolute load, catalytic converter temperature, accelerator pedal, commanded AFR value.- [OBD] Extended the ability to read some parameters from OBD, so that they can be read in cars where they were previously unavailable:
* engine coolant temperature, TPS, high pressure.- [OBD] Added ability to read some parameters from OBD in a manufacturer-specific manner:
* high pressure, commanded high pressure, low pressure, commanded low pressure- [OBD] Provided officially the “Smart gas valve” option
- [OBD] Provided officially the ability to change the fuel map collection field (e.g., for Valvetronic cars or those with large deviations on maps)
- [OBD] Added the ability to send an OBD error clearing command after starting the engine when the computer reports no errors
- [OBD] Added new OBD trouble codes descriptions and provided new codes in Auto-Clear
- [OBD] Added ability to speed up OBD readings when CAN protocol is selected
- [DIRECT] Improved innovative gas injectors triggering strategy DYNAMIC-X
- [DIRECT] Extended the automatic petrol letting off mechanism to use the pressure set from the OBD
- [DIRECT] Added ability to analyze the high pressure pump signal digitally on some cars
- [DIRECT] Added dedicated pressure emulation (EZP CMD) using pressure setpoint from OBD
- [DIRECT] Added ability to use digital pump signal in EZP 3D
- [DIRECT] Added ability to modify emulation to cut-off in EZP 3D
- [DIRECT] Added possibility to work on high pressure in EZP 3D
- Provided officially the ability to use digital inputs
- Provided officially new emulations: value map emulation and percentage map emulation
- Provided officially the ability to modify modulation and slow output parameters on input/output emulation
- Added ability to use newly added parameters on correction maps and line corrections
- Fixed an issue with saving the model in the SLAVE controller for the MASTER-SLAVE synchronization mechanism
- Updated schemas
- Updated language translations (i.a. added Italian and Czech languages)
- Improvements in software appearance and performance
Größe: 48,9 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO-SKY Software[2023.09.18] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1G r1” (DIRECT), “5.2G r1” (MAX), “5.3G r1” (SUN), “5.4G r1” (JET-ECO), “5.5G r1” (JET), “5.7G r1” (JET OBD MINI) and “5.8G r1” (DUAL)
- [DUAL] Added support for the DUAL controller – new ECU for dual injection (DI + MPI) for 3/4 cylinders in NEVO-SKY family
- [DIRECT] Added alternative mechanism for calculating the petrol dose: IDC – improved dose calculations
- [OBD] Improved communication with OBD
- [OBD] Improved diagnosis of OBD problems
- [OBD] Added new OBD trouble codes in Auto-Clear
- [OBD] Improved gas level averaging in hybrid mode
- [OBD] Updated OEM protocols
- [MPI] Added new templates for low fuel pressure emulation ECP
- [MPI] Added option to detect disappearance of petrol injectors supply
- Added advanced MAP correction template
- Added ability to collect configurable parameters on fuel maps
- Added ability to collect RPM on fuel maps
- Added calculation of the distance passed after inspection
- Updated knowledge base of Sky Expert System
- Updated schemas
- Updated language translations
- Improvements in software appearance and performance
Größe: 53.5 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO-SKY MAX technical diagram
- NEVO-SKY MAX technical diagram v. 17.02.2023
Größe: 0.2 MBVersion: 17.02.2023770 DownloadsBENUTZERHANDBUCH Auto-LPG-SystemBENUTZERHANDBUCH Auto-LPG-System. NEVO-SKY, NEVO, DIEGO.
Größe: 5.2 MBVersion: 12.01.20241086 DownloadsNEVO-SKY Software[2024.02.02] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1G r2” (DIRECT), “5.2G r2” (MAX), “5.3G r2” (SUN), “5.4G r2” (JET- ECO), “5.5G r2” (JET), “5.7G r2” (JET OBD MINI) and “5.8G r2” (DUAL)
- [DUAL] Improved readings of injection times and gas control
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Added buttons that pre-initialize settings for DIRECT/DUAL MASTER-SLAVE ECU
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Added compatibility check for some parameters when using MASTER-SLAVE synchronization
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Improved procedures for detecting fuel pressure sensor parameters
- Fixed the “Auto-jump” mechanism on the Model tab
- Extended configuration ranges for some mechanisms: “Minimal pressure”, “Change petrol consumption (eg. for EZP)”
- Added display of operating time on petrol/gas in hours and in “%”
- Updated templates for low fuel pressure emulation ECP in MPI
- Updated knowledge base of Sky Expert System
- Updated OBD OEM protocols
- Updated assembly diagrams
- Updated language translations
- Improvements in software appearance and performance
Größe: 60.6 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO-SKY Software[2024.02.16] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1G r2” (DIRECT), “5.2G r2” (MAX), “5.3G r2” (SUN), “5.4G r2” (JET- ECO), “5.5G r2” (JET), “5.7G r2” (JET OBD MINI) and “5.8G r2” (DUAL)
- [MPI] Fixed enabling digital input when using low fuel pressure emulation ECP in MPI
- Updated OBD OEM protocols
- Updated assembly diagrams
- Updated language translations
- Improvements in software appearance and performance
Größe: 68.1 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO-SKY Software[2024.07.19] Software – full compliance with gas controller version “5.1G r3” (DIRECT), “5.2G r3” (MAX), “5.3G r3” (SUN), “5.4G r3” (JET- ECO), “5.5G r3” (JET), “5.7G r3” (JET OBD MINI) and “5.8G r3” (DUAL)
- Added a link to the “Documentation on-line” website on the “Status [F1]” page, which includes actual product cards, leaflets, diagrams, etc.
- Added program options “Switch automatically to fast communication” and “Speed up interface automatically” (both options are enabled by default)
- [DUAL] Added “values map emulation” (EMW) setting templates on channel 2 for use in low pressure emulation in DUAL engines
- [DUAL] Improved algorithms for reading petrol injection times and gas control
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Improved MASTER-SLAVE initialization and synchronization mechanisms
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Standard selected gas pressure sensor will be CCT6 5.5bar sensor
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Added support for additional digital input 4
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Added display of actual high voltage spike width divided into first and another injections in the cycle
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Added automatic enabling on after detecting correct ignition sequence of the following mechanisms: DYNAMIC, IDC, gas angle offset map
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Modified default values of injection synchronisation 3D map “[1] G. START -> P. START”
- [DIRECT/DUAL] Added “Late another injections in the cycle” option
- [OBD] OBD communication improved
- [OBD] Added troube code search engine in Auto-Clear
- [OBD] Added the ability to move “some” trouble codes from the “Additional” table to “Selected”
- Disabled error reporting E028 – “Control panel malfunction” in SLAVE gas ECU
- Redesign the appearance of Auto-Setup page, including, among others, the most important options required for correct configuration of DIRECT and DUAL gas ECUs
- Expanded “Search” window on the “Recorder” page by adding the time of occurrence of a given situation (also in percent)
- Added monitoring of configured and actual ignition sequence compliance
- Updated information in the “About NEVO-SKY family” file
- Updated templates for low fuel pressure emulation ECP in MPI
- Updated knowledge base of SKY Expert System
- Updated OBD OEM protocols and trouble codes in Auto-Clear
- Updated assembly diagrams
- Updated language translations
- Improvements in software appearance and performance
Größe: 70.1 MBVersion: Downloads
NEVO dla sterowników KME NEVO, NEVO PLUS, NEVO PRO.Oprogramowanie (pełna zgodność z wersją sterownika 4.0Kr1 i Adapterem OBDv2 2.0Er1)
Lista zmian:
- Usunięto rzadko występujący problem przy uruchamianiu programu na niektórych komputerach i systemach operacyjnych
- Usprawnienia w wyglądzie i działaniu programu
- Aktualizacja tłumaczeń
Oprogramowanie (pełna zgodność z wersją sterownika 4.0Kr1 i Adapterem OBDv2 2.0Er1)
+ Dodano wtryskiwacze gazowe KME FALCON PLUS, KME FENIX, KME HAWK
+ Uaktualniono listę opisów kodów błędów OBD
+ Rozszerzono listę kodów błędów kasownika OBD
Größe: 39 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO i9 odsłona produktu NEVO pod nazwą NEVO_i9. Wdrożenie technologi i9 do produktów rodziny NEVO (NEVO, NEVO PLUS, NEVO PRO) doczekało się również zmiany wizualnej oprogramowania.
Możesz używać programu NEVO lub NEVO_i9.Oprogramowanie (pełna zgodność z wersją sterownika 4.0Kr1 i Adapterem OBDv2 2.0Er
Lista zmian:
- Usunięto rzadko występujący problem przy uruchamianiu programu na niektórych komputerach i systemach operacyjnych
- Usprawnienia w wyglądzie i działaniu programu
- Aktualizacja tłumaczeń
Oprogramowanie (pełna zgodność z wersją sterownika 4.0Kr1 i Adapterem OBDv2 2.0Er1)
+ Dodano wtryskiwacze gazowe KME FALCON PLUS, KME FENIX, KME HAWK
+ Uaktualniono listę opisów kodów błędów OBD
+ Rozszerzono listę kodów błędów kasownika OBD
Größe: 26 MBVersion: DownloadsNEVO STAR (pełna zgodność z wersją sterownika 4.0Kr1 i Adapterem OBDv2 2.0Er1):
Lista zmian:
- Usunięto rzadko występujący problem przy uruchamianiu programu na niektórych komputerach i systemach operacyjnych
- Usprawnienia w wyglądzie i działaniu programu
- Aktualizacja tłumaczeń
Oprogramowanie (pełna zgodność z wersją sterownika 4.0Kr1 i Adapterem OBDv2 2.0Er1)
+ Dodano wtryskiwacze gazowe KME FALCON PLUS, KME FENIX, KME HAWK
+ Uaktualniono listę opisów kodów błędów OBD
+ Rozszerzono listę kodów błędów kasownika OBD
Größe: 17 MBVersion: DownloadsDX1-FOXöße: 16 MBVersion: DownloadsInstrukcja użytkownika dla systemu Diego G3/NEVO/NEVO-SKY wersja 1.3.1Größe: 3 MBVersion: 1.3.17626 DownloadsInstrukcja obsługi samochodowej instalacji LPGGröße: 7476 KBVersion: 01.12.202210089 Downloads
Instrukcja obsługi samochodowej instalacji LPGGröße: 7476 KBVersion: 01.12.202210089 DownloadsInstrukcja użytkownika dla systemu Diego G3/NEVO/NEVO-SKY wersja 1.3.1Größe: 3 MBVersion: 1.3.17626 DownloadsDiego G3öße: 15 MBVersion: Downloads
Oprogramowanie Bingo S [5.02]Größe: 760 KBVersion: 5.023080 DownloadsOprogramowanie Bingo M [5.02]Größe: 539 KBVersion: 5.024199 DownloadsOprogramowanie BingoS 3.09Größe: 712 KBVersion: 3.092187 DownloadsOprogramowanie BingoM 4.04Größe: 445 KBVersion: 4.042267 DownloadsInstrukcja Systemu Bingo-SGröße: 2 MBVersion: 2.01641 DownloadsInstrukcja Systemu Bingo-MGröße: 580 KBVersion: 2.02376 Downloads
NEVO-SKY DUAL 4 cyl. electronics technical diagramGröße: 0,4 MBVersion: 09.07.2024513 DownloadsNEVO-SKY JET OBD MINI connection schemeGröße: 956 KBVersion: 28.02.2023831 DownloadsNEVO-SKY MAX technical diagram
- NEVO-SKY MAX technical diagram v. 17.02.2023
Größe: 0.2 MBVersion: 17.02.2023770 DownloadsSchemat podłączania sterownika DIRECT
- Schemat podłączenia elektroniki DIRECT v. 09.07.2024
- Schemat podłączenia elektroniki DIRECT dla silników DUAL z grupy VAG v. 11.12.2023 ARCHIWALNY
- Schemat podłączenia czujnika wysokiego ciśnienia w elektronice DIRECT v. 09.07.2024
Größe: 0.7 MBVersion: 09.07.20244526 DownloadsSchemat podłączania sterownika MAX
- Schemat podłączania sterownika MAX v.17.02.2023
Größe: 0.2 MBVersion: 17.02.20232278 DownloadsSchemat podłączenia sterownika DUALGröße: 0,4 MBVersion: 09.07.2024958 DownloadsSchemat podłączenia sterownika SUNGröße: 260 KBVersion: 27.05.2022927 DownloadsSchemat połączenia MASTER-SLAVE
- Schemat połączenia MASTER-SLAVE dla silników 6-8 – DIRECT 1 reduktor
- Schemat połączenia MASTER-SLAVE dla silników 6-8 – DIRECT 2 reduktory
- Schemat podłączenia MASTER-SLAVE dla silników DUAL [DI + MPI] 1 reduktor
- Schemat podłączenia MASTER-SLAVE dla silników DUAL [DI + MPI] 2 reduktory
- Schemat podłączenia MASTER-SLAVE dla silników DUAL [DI + MPI] 6-8 cyl.
Größe: 3.09 MBVersion: 101120201633 DownloadsSchemat połączenia sterownika JET ECOGröße: 1740 KBVersion: 28.02.20231960 DownloadsSchemat połączenia sterownika JET EXPERT, OBD, BASICGröße: 690 KBVersion: 31.05.20223234 DownloadsSchemat połączenia sterownika NEVO-SKY JET OBD MINIGröße: 956 KBVersion: 28.02.2023717 Downloads
Instrukcja reduktora EXTREMEGröße: 685 KB1843 DownloadsInstrukcja reduktora FOX 6Größe: 489 KB1134 DownloadsInstrukcja reduktora FOX 8Größe: 489 KB1238 DownloadsInstrukcja reduktora GOLD GTGröße: 507 KB5421 DownloadsInstrukcja reduktora SILVER S8Größe: 481 KB2526 DownloadsInstrukcja reduktora TUR 6ZGröße: 467 KB2772 DownloadsInstrukcja reduktora TWIN Z V1Größe: 477 KB1525 DownloadsInstrukcja reduktora TWIN Z V2Größe: 482 KB2450 DownloadsInstruktor reduktora SILVER S6Größe: 474 KB3794 Downloads
Instrukcja dla interfejsu USBGröße: 112 KBVersion: 2.03181 DownloadsSterownik interfejsu USB (Prolific)Najnowsze sterowniki znajdują się na stronie:
Größe: 3 MBVersion: 1.6.03308 DownloadsSterownik interfejsu USB OPTIC (FTDI)Sterownik dla interfejsów KME USB v3 OPTIC FTDI. Najnowsze sterowniki znajdziesz na:
Größe: 1 MBVersion: CDM208243496 Downloads
leaflet CCT6 analog 5_5bar PL ENGröße: 0.8 MBVersion: v 15.09.2023595 Downloadsulotka CCT6 analog 5_5bara PL ENGröße: 0.8 MBVersion: v 15.09.2023588 DownloadsPL_Czujniki_cisnienia_KMEGröße: 6,3 MBVersion: 1.0.21550 DownloadsInstrukcja Emulatora Poziomu Paliwa EPP-2-13VGröße: 3 MBVersion: 13.07.20202332 DownloadsInstrukcja Przetwornika Przepływomierza PPO-1-12VGröße: 691 KBVersion: 2h1519 DownloadsInstrukcja Emulatora Poziomu Paliwa EPP-1-12VGröße: 666 KBVersion: 2.0 H-28.10.20101246 DownloadsInstrukcja podgrzewacza wtryskiwaczy PGM-100-12VGröße: 52 KBVersion: v1.1 2005-12-191158 Downloads
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